About Us

We are part of Cieno Group. BLUECARE SALUD SAS. We are dedicated to the development of protocols in clinical research of various pharmaceutical laboratories under the provision of comprehensive health services, with the best quality standards, always oriented to the welfare of research participants.
We are a research center where our own studies and / or Phase II, III and IV contracted clinical studies are developed, facilitating the transition of basic research in clinical applications for human beings, with highly trained and specialized professionals and adequate infrastructure and technology, whose purpose is to generate contributions for the scientific progress of humanity and improve the quality of life of the participants, for whom we finally work. The Research Center was restructured since August 2008, consolidating strategic alliances with different multinational pharmaceutical companies.

We develop medicine research protocols with laboratories worldwide, to improve the quality of life of those who need it most, facilitating the transition from basic research into clinical applications for human beings. We have the support of highly trained and specialized professionals, whose purpose is to generate scientific contributions for the progress of humanity.

Our main research in phase II, III and IV are related to Vaccines (Influenza Virus, Human Papilloma Virus, Clostridium difficile, Meningococcus, nowadays COVID-19); endocrinology (Diabetes adults and children); pulmonology (asthma and COPD); gastroenterology (ulcerative colitis); dermatology, rheumatology among other specialties and observational studies.

  • Vaccines
  • Endocrinology
  • Gynecology
  • Pneumology
  • Dermatology
  • Gastroenterology

Objetivos de calidad

Quality policy

Our commitment is to offer high quality services in the area of research and in the development of contracted protocols, committed to our sponsors and the well-being of the participants, guaranteeing confidentiality and accountability with information and processes, maintaining a high level of professionalism with competent and trained personnel, ensuring continuous improvement with social and environmental responsibility.

Quality objetives

BlueCare Research Center, defines the following quality objectives, supported by the established quality policy, with which it seeks to implement, maintain, and improve the Quality Management System:

  • Guarantee confidentiality, security, and reliability of information by conducting timely follow-up to the participating subjects. (BPC / GCP).
  • Strive for continuous improvement of quality management system processes. Maintain continuous training of personnel.